Monday, September 1, 2008


Scored so badly during the Mixed Foursome 2008. Couldn't get the co-operation from my dad. I asked him to hit here, he hit there. Asked him hit there, he hit here. I made a nice tee-off which left him short distance to the green. He made a tee-off that left me so long distance to reach the green. lolz!! These are the results.
7th, Par. 8th, Bogey. 9th, Bogey. 10th, Bogey. 11th, Bogey. 12th, Bogey. 13th, Par. 14th, Double Bogey. 15th, Par. 16th, Bogey. 17th, Bogey. 18th, 9-strokes. 1st, Bogey. 2nd, Bogey. 3rd, Par. 4th, Double Bogey. 5th, Par. 6th, Bogey.

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