Hi everyone. Won't talk much bout myself now as i
believe those who will come to this blog are my friends or family.
Actually, i have totally no idea what to use on
this web blog. But i will try out my best to fill some stupid
things on this blog.
Perhaps, this is a good beginning for me to
spread out my feeling or my temper thru blog instead of
other peoples. lolz!!!
Just now while i was blogging, one of my friend came
to me and told me one thing about Sara-Timur.
Sara-Timur made an agreement with my dad
under the rental of the 3rd floor of this premis.
And, this had brought me a problem where
me and my dad insist to increase the rental.
But, the project manager of Sara-Timur said that the
contract was signed for 2 years started last year.
From what my dad told me, he was been told to sign
for one year instead of 2 years.
So, i asked for the copy of the agreement as they didn't
leave a copy to my dad.
Time passed for 2 weeks and none of the copy come
to me. Till one of my friend come to me just now.
He said the agreement which my dad signed last year
is invalid under the circumstances of the authorised
person from Sara-Timur didn't complete the agreement.
And now, the director of Sara-Timur try to change
the content without my dad's permission.
In this case, i made an appointment with the project
manager at 10.15am. If things don't go the right way,
i think i have to deliver a lawyer letter to Sara-Timur.
I will update my blog again once i get myself free.
Taukeh besar. Muahahhaa...
-_-".... makan gaji saja!! lolzz...
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